Saturday, June 23, 2012

Everybody loves Boomer

Boomer is quite the lady's man, he has melted the hearts of several of my neighbors when I let him out for a stroll. He has explored most of the yard here, and no matter how much I let him out he cries for more when I bring him back in.

So many ladies, so little time...
Just 5 minutes to regain my strength
Look something to jump in to, oh crap I've been caught.
Quick look adorable!
I never met a box I didnt like.
 Boomer got a new toy, a big rat, it was quite a hit.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Big Move

This weekend boomer and I moved into a new place. Boomer was a champ and didnt freak out, he hid under the bed most of the day when we were moving stuff and making lots of noise. He eventually came out to socialize with the boys once things settled down.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Boomer turns 12

That's right, 12 weeks old and its time for his second trip to the vets for shots again.
Bommer was a total champ, he climbed right in the cage and never made a peep the whole trip.
Adventure is my middle name!

Seriously, if you don't put some food in my bowl soon... I will eat you.

Singed boom, this shot really shows the singed wiskers on his right side, he thought sniffing the candle was a good idea.

Another window shot, I just like the lighting there.
And now for the videos.