Well the time had come, Boomer is 4 months old, and so we took the trip to the vets to get him neutered. I had to drop him off early and leave him there all day. When I got him home that night he was still stoned on painkillers they gave him. But two days later he was completely recovered and back to his old self.
Boomer is big enough now that he can get up on all the counters and has really taken a liking to the nook in the kitchen. He also jumps up on the bathroom counter so he can be a part of my morning routine.
Some nights Boomer will sleep on the bed, most nights he's too rowdy to be allowed in the bedroom. |
Boomer hanging out in the kitchen. |
Sometimes you just cant make it to the bed. |
Hang Ten! |
Who's that handsome devil in the mirror? |
"I said no photos!" |
I can haz shaving cream too? |
Lots of videos this week, mostly of Boomers adventures outside, and the aftermath of a whiney cat that wants to go back outside.